60 Year Reunion


List of who attended our reunion:

Dan and Joan Harvey
Wendy Selde
Randi Krumm
Lynne Lenhart
Janice and Jim Dawson
Gerry Roberts
Ann Krieger
Honesty Israel
Jerry Wagner
Janet Steinberg
Gail Olson
Jan and Frank Trummel
John and Patricia Anderson
Loren and Marsha Gee
Rene and Jim Lamont
Craig Clements
LeaAnne Armstrong
Core and Joel Watters
Suzi Haugen
Judy Bigelow
Judy Nicholson

A special note of thanks from Judy Nicholson:

Hello Dear Classmates and spouses,
First a note to you committee members:
I received a Thank You card from LeaAnne filled with generous
and loving and kind thank yous for our reunion. She didn’t
specify which committee members told her to do this, but you
know who you are and y’all know how to make an old in age
and young in heart girl cry. I thank you!
And a note to the rest of you who joined us for our wonderful
A huge thank you to you all for the cooking of food and setting
it up and cleaning it up. It was wonderful.
And thank you to Randi for the hard work of packing in all the
rocks and paint supplies and helping us all have such fun and
then having to pack it all up again to head home.
And thank you to Lynne and Janice and others for taking and
sharing all the pictures with Dan for the website.
And thank you to Dan for maintaining our website!
And thank you to Rene for maintaining our Facebook group.
And thank you to Janet for maintaining our memory boards.
They are beautiful and so nicely done.
And thank you to Wendy for maintaining our name badges so
we know who we are.
And a thank you to Craig for stepping up and taking care of the
name badges for us.
And thank you to all who donated for Paul and Babe. The
historical society was very happy to receive the $150 donation.



Reunion Notification letter sent Friday, July 14, 2023

Posted August 21: This reunion notification was sent via email to the class last month (July 14, 2023), but I forgot to post it just as a backup and a reminder. Sorry. It includes a few further details about the event schedule and the get together format...very informal... that should be helpful to everyone. Please take a look at the notification on the 60th Reunion sub-page on the left panel and let Judy know if you have questions, or would like to sign-up. Thank you.....Dan H.

From: Judy Nicholson, reunion coordinator

Hello Classmates,

This is just a note to remind you of our class reunion at the Alderbrook Resort on beautiful Hood Canal on September 12th, 13th and 14th.

This is simply going to be a three day picnic.  You are welcome one day, two days, or all three.  Whatever you would like.  It is just going to be a casual time of visiting and remembering and enjoying each others company.  We have access to all five cabins, which means we have five kitchens and five bathrooms and the two BBQs that we can use and, of course, the fire pit.

We suggest you come with your lawn chairs and what you want to drink and picnic on.  We will be feeding ourselves in the cabins for the three days, so there will be food, but we are not planning on providing a big spread...so bring what you would like for yourselves.  And the resort restaurant is there too, if you'd like.

Plan on arriving anytime after 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday the 12th.  We do ask that you let us know if you are coming because we plan on having name tags prepared ahead of time.  Email to:

pcco6@comcast.net  to let us know, please.  And again it doesn't matter which day you come, hopefully you can make it all three days.  But even one or two, or just one would be wonderful.

And for more fun...we are painting rocks again!  It was so much fun at the last reunion that Randi has graciously offered to host rock painting once again.  Thank you, Randi !!

So that's about it...we're keeping it simple.

We are looking forward to seeing you in September,

Your Reunion Committee

Reunion Notification news-letter sent Sunday April 9, 2023

This  reunion notification letter explains several important changes that were made to the luncheon venue and reunion activities. Please read all the 60th reunion notification letters under the  "Reunions" tab in the left column.

Hello Classmates,

First I sent you all a letter (November 1922) with all the info about the reunion asking for responses about coming so we could make some plans.  I must say the responses have been underwhelming, but I have heard from some of you.  I received a lot of letters back in the mail being undeliverable, and honestly they will remain so.  At our age and all the places we are living in, I understand not traveling, etc.  So the days of chasing people down are over.

Today is the second newsletter about our reunion and we have made a little change.  We are no longer going to have the luncheon in town because we have decided to have an open picnic reunion at our five cabins at Alderbrook for all three days.  All are welcome at no charge.  But you maybe should bring something to eat and drink.  We have five kitchens and five bathrooms (as well as the facilities at Alderbrook) so we should be able to handle anything.  So starting at noon on 9/12/23 you are welcome to come visit and hang out for as long as you want.  We will be sitting around the fire pit in the evenings, just like the last reunion.  Come for one day or all three days, but we have to check out on 9/14 before noon.

So that is the message of this email.  We hope to see you there.  We are not going to keep track of who is or is not coming.  If you come or not is up to you.  But we are looking forward to seeing you!!!

Remember that if you want to sleep at Alderbrook, you mention that you are part of Class of 1963 and you will get a price break on your room.

Best Wishes,

Your Reunion Committee


Reunion Notification letter sent November 2022   

      Hello Classmates. This is the first notification of our reunion next year ~ 2023 ! We are sending this out by mail to make sure that we have your correct contact info. I cannot tell you how important this is. We try very hard to keep it all up to date, so if you have made any changes to your: mailing address, email, or phones (either land line or cell) please let us know by mailing to: Judy Nicholson 1340 SE Arcadia Rd Shelton, WA 98584 or emailing Judy: pcco6@comcast.net 

The next reason for this letter is to let you know to reserve: Sept 12, 13, 14 of 2023. The reunion committee has reserved the five cabins at Alderbrook 9/12-9/14. This gives us two nights there with access to all five cabins and the fire pit ! So it is up to each of you classmates to make your own arrangements of where to stay if you want to make this a long event for yourselves, or a short event. We will be having a luncheon reunion 9/13/23 from 1-4 at Smokin’ Mo’s restaurant downtown at the corner of S First St and Grove St. We were in the same building for our 50th cocktail party, but with different owners. So if you just want to do the luncheon and get back on the road, you can. But if you want to stay longer, you can stay at the Little Creek Casino or Alderbrook or with family, if you’re lucky enough to still have some here. The number of people coming will determine how the restaurant sets this up for us, so we really need to know if you plan to attend. It is casual and short, but that’s why we have the cabins, so we can all visit and mingle and come and go as your schedule permits. We will check into the cabins on Tuesday and will check out on Thursday, so we will be there to visit with whoever would like to show up. We hope lots of you can make it. It’s going to be informal and unstructured. You can make of it what you want. Hopefully, you will stay a couple days and enjoy the visiting, but it will be up to you to make your own arrangements. But at Alderbrook, if you mention you’re with the "Class of 1963 Reunion", you should get a break in the rate. So please let us know ASAP about your info and if you can come.  Hoping to see you here in Shelton. Your reunion committee ~ go Climbers!!!  smiley