Irene S. Reed High School - Shelton, WA
Reunion Messages to the Class
Message #3:
Sent: 8/4/2013; From: Judy Nicholson
Hello Classmates ~ Greetings from beautiful Shelton, Washington !!!
Our reunion is in two weeks...your committee has done everything possible to have your attendance, short of knocking on your door...we've emailed, written, and called. We feel this is a once in a lifetime achievement and we hoped to see you all here, but we learned that this is just not possible. Some live too far away, some we just can't find, some are facing difficult situations (which we share with you in spirit and prayer, by the way), some are still working and can't take time off, some are just too busy and can't fit us into their schedule, and some...well...some I just don't know about.
But know this, classmates. We started these busy lives we live as children together. No matter where we have gone, what we have done, or not done, we are now fifty years older...and yes, wiser. Just know that if you are not here, we will remember you, we will reminisce about you and our young lives with you, and yes, we will talk about are part of us and that won't change.
Here are details for those of you attending:
Main Event: Saturday Evening Dinner at the Salish Golfcourse Clubhouse at The Little Creek Casino check-in begins at 5:00 p.m. Yes, you will be given a name tag to wear around your neck. We are fifty years older and we all look...well, not the same as we did. Besides, Wendy worked hard to make them (they are gorgeous) and we will wear them to thank her.
The clubhouse is accessed by taking the far entrance to the Casino, where the beautiful pink and white petunias are on parade, crossing the beautiful little bridge, and winding up the curving drive. You can't see it until you are up on the hill.
The dress is casual and comfortable, and dinner will be served buffet style.
Second Main Event: Friday Evening Casual Drop In Get Together at The Grove Street Brewhouse at the corner of Grove St. and Hwy 3/Old Olympic Hwy/main drag north and south, and right across the street from Mell Chevrolet...Mell's gone, but the building is still there.
This event will begin about 6:00 p.m. and you can look for our banner on the building to find us.
The dress is casual and comfortable, and there will be food snacks to eat.
You will buy your own beverages, whatever they may be...they have beer, wine, soft drinks, and 25 kinds of tea. It's an interesting place...the side wall will be open to the street in our room and there's art on the walls for sale...Ray-Paul might be interested in talking to them...hmmm
We'll stay till we want to go home and get ready for Saturday, I guess.
Third Main Event: Friday afternoon the cruise aboard the Lady Alderbrook arrival time is 2:30 p.m. at the Alderbrook Resort on Hood Canal. We sail from 3:00-5:00 p.m., which allows us a half hour to get on board and set sail, and an hour afterward to get back to town to be at Grove St. by six.
Upon arrival, head straight for the dock. Each person will be given two (2) beverage tickets to use on board and there will be light finger foods to eat.
The dress is casual and're on a boat on the Canal.
That's it!
We look forward to seeing each one of you and enjoying this time together again after all these years. We began planning this 50th party after our last reunion, and we have had too much fun to describe during these past five years. Each committee meeting is like a mini reunion, so we know just how much fun this is going to be. Thank you for coming and sharing with us!
Your Reunion Committee of the Irene S. Reed Class of 1963
Message #2:
Sent: 3/17/2013; From: Judy Nicholson
Hi Classmates ~
Here is the latest information about the 50th Reunion:
Little Creek Casino has now officially set aside a block of 20 rooms for us for our reunion with a day or so easement before and after our actual reunion date, so you can have several nights if you need them.
Phone 1-800-667-7711 to make your reservations and use the block code: 'Irene S. Reed Class of 1963' to receive the special group rate of $89/night. Only you can make your reservation, we can't do it for you.
If you have already reserved a room, you will need to call again and mention our block code, I have been instructed to tell you.
The second item needing repeating, please send in your donation toward the reunion to: Judy Nicholson, 8 Dasher Dr., Shelton, WA 98584
Checks are coming in all the time, a few at a time, and when they are received then we know you are coming and your name, and the name of your spouse, goes on the list for the cruise on Friday and the list for the dinner on Saturday at the Casino Clubhouse at the golf course. We are not selling tickets to anything, it will all be paid for ahead of time, so send in whatever your budget allows you to handle to get you here. We cannot assume you are must send us money to tell us you are coming...and we will have an exact nose count. I can tell you, once again, that people are sending in from $50 to $250. Only you can decide what you can afford...we just want you all to be here if you can.
We are soooo looking forward to seeing you all again!
Get your checks in the mail...:)
Remember to call the Casino again about your room if you've already booked one!
Best Regards,
Judy and Your Reunion Committee
Message #1:
Sent: 1/31/2013; From: Judy Nicholson
Hello, Hello Classmates ~
What were you doing 50 years ago?
Thinking about heading off to college, getting a job, heading into the service, graduating, or just getting out of town?
It is hard to believe that here we are fifty years later...we all have experienced happiness, joy, good times, hard times, sorrow, loss, fear, sickness, health, excitement, expectations, surprises...and the list could go on. We are all bonded together by life, let alone by all being in the same Class of 1963.
Your reunion committee has been meeting for two years now, trying to create an experience especially wonderful for you, our fellow classmates. I can tell you that each meeting has been like a mini reunion where we have listened and laughed and truly enjoyed being I can assure you that it will be the same for you when you come to our reunion in August.
These are the important event facts:
FRIDAY - August 16, 2013:
Event 1: Alderbrook Cocktail Cruise from 4-5 p.m. with hors d'oeuvres and drinks.
Event 2: Grove Street Brewhouse (at the corner of 1st St. and Grove St.) from 6-11 p.m. for an informal gathering in a nice room where the whole side wall rolls up and it is open to the sidewalk and the evening air. The food is great and we will each be responsible for our own tabs.
SATURDAY - August 17, 2013:
Main Event: Salish Cliffs Golf Clubhouse (above and behind the Little Creek Casino) Dinner from 5-10 p.m. with Greetings from 5-6, Dinner at 6, and visiting until 10. The menu will be complete with a choice of entree of salmon or prime rib. If you are vegan, we need to know ahead please.
Now, the next big question has been how much? This is the answer ~
The entire class was sent a letter last year...this letter asked that if you wanted to come to the reunion, please send whatever you felt you could afford from your budget...this has worked beautifully...if you sent money, you are on the list as attending. I can tell you that I have received donations from $50 to $250. All the money goes into the sock (it's a bank really) and everything will be paid for in advance if possible...meaning there will be no tickets to pay for when you get here. We want your focus to be on your travel and your accommodations.
The letter said to send whatever amount you felt you could afford to:
Judy Nicholson, 8 Dasher Dr., Shelton, WA 98584
I know this is a little unorthodox, but we were free thinkers in our class anyway, weren't we? Your committee wants every single class member to join in our reunion no matter what. If we come up short, we'll be sending out's still early, but don't delay sending your donation, please.
Now, another important thing you should know is that Little Creek Casino has set aside a block of 20 rooms at a special price for us...and, no, I don't know the price either. It's so early when we make these arrangements that they can't tell us prices yet, just that the rooms are there for us, so make your reservations so that we'll know if we need more than 20 rooms or not, ok? Their phone is: 800-667-7711.
Another note about the Casino is that they have wonderful parking pads for motor homes, etc. You'll have to talk to them about that, but they are there if you want to go that route.
Please be sure to update your profile on our class website if you haven't done it for a while. This is going to be our main way of communicating with you. Also, very important news is that we have a closed group on facebook for our class...just check our website for info.
Your committee is so excited to re-connect with each of you, we are really looking forward to this reunion, so please join us...
See you in August !!!
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