Irene S. Reed
High School
- Shelton, WA
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Suzi Aho (Haugen)
Coralie Anderson (Watters)
John W Anderson
Lyta Andrews (Reichbach)
LeaAnne Armstrong
LeRoy Austin
Candis "Candy" Lea Avey (J…)
Monna Lee Barger (Mikkelsen)
Erren Barnhard
Brad Bartlett
Joan "Joni" M. Beal
John Edward Bliner
Barbara Bloomfield (Baisden)
Pat Booth (Sann)
Fred Bostwick
Marilyn Brewer (Ragan)
Wendy Brickert (Selde)
Louise Brown (Streater)
Chris Bunnell (Edwards)
Leora Burgess (Twidwell)
Sandi Bye (Huston)
Richard Hyland Cain
Mike Carte
Arlene Cheney (Hari)
Craig Clements
Marlene Elaine "Mickey" Clev…
Darrell Cochran
Randall K. "Randy" Co…
Monica "Nikki" Coles (Overbey)
Gary L. Combs
Leila Cook (Cornell)
David Wm. Cornell
Phil Cramer
Steve Crapo-Boothe
Bruce Crawford
Rosemary Crumb (McCallum)
Melvin D. Cuzick
Zelda Cuzick-Hess (Justice)
Daryl Dewell (Dewell)
Allen Dillenburg
Patricia Dodds (Brown)
Jerry Donahoe
Donna Donavan (Cates)
Merline Dorey (Lewis)
Gail Downing (Olson)
Ken Droscher
Richard ""Rick" Durkin (Durkin)
Judy Eby (Bigelow)
Marjorie "Irene" Emsley (Renie…)
Janet Estvold (Miller)
Steve Evans
Rene' Fain (LaMont)
Martin Felix
Richard Fisher
Dennis Dean "Denny" Fryd…
Laroy Fuller
Bruce Michael Fulmer
Bruce Gardner
Loren Gee
Mike Glover
Johanna Goldschmid
Jim Goodpaster
Clint Halbert
Mike Hall
Rosalie "Charlee" Hanson
Paula Harman (Umbeck)
Henrietta Hartman (Dines)
Dan Harvey
Judy Hedrick (Schalk)
William H. "Bill" Henderson
Diane "Dee" Henricksen (Eddington)
Martha Hesser (Tyynismaa)
Pat "Patty" Hester (duToit, duTwah)
Linda Hickam (Farley)
Christine R. Hobart (Palas…)
Beverly Hodgson (Johnson)
Steve Holt
Glenn Roy Hubbard
Marilyn Hughes
Mike Hulbert
Harlin Jerrells
Bryan Johnson
George Johnson
David Jubb
Charlotte Kirk (Hesher)
Tim Kneeland
Christine Knutzen (Goodpaster)
Mike L. Lambert
Jim LaMont
Linda Laney (Immel)
Bill LeDrew
Lorna LeGarde (Smith)
Janet Lentz (Breuel)
Kathleen Leonard (Peard)
Tom Longacre
Lynn Patrice Lovell (Altma…)
Neils Lund
Doug Lutz
Dean Manberg
Arla Marr (Kohler)
Mike McArthur
Everett "Mac" McCoy
Michael McFarland
Ron McLean
Joe Mestrovich
Al Miklethun
Gerald "Bruce" Miller
Rick G. Miller Sr.
Sue Minegishi (Kikuchi)
Carole Neff (Crossan)
Judy Nicholson
Ray-Paul Nielsen
Sue Norvold (Aho)
Victor Olson-Satterf…
Jim Orr
Johanna "Jo" Otto (Maki)
Curtis Owen
Gerald Parks
Roger Pearson
Charlie Peck
Gary Peterson
Ed Pierce
Janice Pierce (Dawson)
Linda Pierson (Carter)
Bruce Porter
Kenneth Pulsifer
Patricia "Patti" Quinn (Ca…)
Ann Rau (Krieger)
William "Bill" Rhoades
Gerry Ann "Gerry" Roberts
Vicki Robertson (Vanderwal)
Geral "Jerry" Rodgers
Lynda Rodgers (Baker)
Dave Rogers
Richard Ralph Roundtree
Jana Runnion (Ward)
Russell Savage
Donna Scofield (Smith)
Yvonne Scofield (VanDuyn)
Pam Sells (Patterson)
Mike Sheedy
Bill Sloan
Bill Smith
Marsha Smith (Geist)
Pat Smith
Janet Steinberg (Dishon)
Lynne Scott Stevens (Lenhart)
Judy Strine (Ricciardi)
Honesty (Rosemary) Stuck (I…)
Larry Sund
Kathy Sutherland (Rinard)
Celia Sweitzer (Scott)
Leaster "Brownie" Sy…
Bob Tabke
Janet Temple (Marshall)
Lilliann A. "Lillie" Thompsen (Kruger)
Mary Tobler (Rettkowski)
Eldon Todd
Roger Trail
John Tupper
Randi Tuson (Krumm)
Irwin Twedt
Rita Underwood (Barnett)
David Utter
Sam Valley
Neil Vonhof
Charles "Al" Wagner
Gerald "Jerry" Wagner
Gloria Walker-Kenworthy (Gaetz)
Clyde Warner
Kleese Warner
Henrietta "Hank" Warnes (Russell)
Joe Waters
Randy Waylett
Linda Welander (Berglund)
Merrily Weston (Mills)
Joe Willey
Nancy Wilson-Bloomfield (G…)
Tom R. Wingard
Jan Wolf-Gabrio (Trummel)
Ruth Young
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