Reunion Photos/Videos

Note; We are in the process of adding more photos, so please be patient with us ol' folk, ha.

Note: If you have a problem with any of the (temporary) Flickr photo-slide and video shows please let Dan or Bill know so we can "attempt" to fix it.   Thank you.


An alternate way to view the Flickr photos/video below as provided by Bill LeDrew, especially for those who use Apple devices, is to click on the following URL/link and view the photos individually, or as a slideshow by clicking on the slideshow icon.


Photos from Jan posted on Class Facebook Page:

A few more photos from the Irene S. Reed High School Class of '63 reunion. The rock painting was so much fun, had to include a photo of my rocks.


Created with flickr slideshow.


Jan's Photo Album (Apple devices):

Video Clip and Photos by Joan Harvey
The class trying to arrange themselves for a group photo - unfortunately not all classmates that attended the reunion are in the group photo.



reunion 2018 group video


Created with flickr slideshow.
Joan's Photo Album (Apple devices):