Irene S. Reed High School - Shelton, WA

1963 Shagalie
Saghalie 1963:
This link does not work at the present time.
Another link below to an online copy of the 1963 Saghalie provided by ""Your Yearbooks and Brian Thompson" at https://youryearbooks.com/washington/shelton/1963-shelton-reed-high-school-yearbook/.
Saghalie 1963:
This link does not work at the present time.
Bill LeDrew has put together a fully viewable 1963 Shagalie using Dropbox that can be accessed by clicking on the Saghalie image below. Bill is currently testing and refining the product to improve it's functionality. So, consider it a beta version. If you have any comments please let Bill know so he can improve the Shagalie images.
Thanks - Dan
Saghalie 1963:
Here is a free website provided by Daryl Dewell that shows images of the 1963 Yearbook. You have to sign-up to view the pages and it has some annoying popup ads, but until we can scan the Yearbook ourselves and get it on the class website, this will do. There is a zoom bar above the pages. To see the zoom bar you have to click on the four page view. You can't print the pages directly, but Daryl said that JING (By TechSmith) works real well for capturing images that can then be saved or sent by email. And, it's also free. I tried it and he is right, it's pretty easy to use. Let me know if this doen't work for you. This tech stuff is definitely a community effort!! http://www.classmates.com/yearbooks/Reed-High-School/56691?#page=0
[Not sure who's yearbook this is. If you figure it out from the writing, let me know]
Trivia: The word Saghalie comes from A Native American (Chinook) word meaning high, above, geographically high place, or holy and sacred.
Dan Harvey
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